Sunday, November 29, 2009


The KingstonePOWER is a super power EA. This EA Combine from smartkick , punch, others EA n plus 4 Indicator. KingstonePOWER is highly powerfull EA n will double profit for us, cover news , friday and can running 24hours

Let c how power its

JUST for 14 months, pair GU

Are u smart trading? With only usd500 how much does an Expert Advisor can gain in 5 years?Pls do not waste u r time. My super power EA can makes u crazy in forex.Think about how much u ll be win n let me know pls. I m strictly to tell u , thats my KingstonePOWER EA is a highly powerfull.Its true n true for a long times.My super power EA like a master of EAs. C the graf bellow for 5 years .

USD 500 to USD 14,445,376.15 (1m,5m,15m,m30) for 5years.

Now you do not have any reason not to start making money from this market . Any question ?just email to me
To be continue....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

smartkick vs prizmal EA

As we know , Prizmal is a Champioan EA ATC in 2008. We must used pair EURGBP in m5.wHAT ABOUT in 2009,?Or next year?Actually prizmal can trade just a few weeks.This ea can not be used for a long times.

this result in 21/1-3/2009

how SMARTkick work? c the graf bellow

Really powerfull in 2008-2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The best FOREX robots in the world?

Which EA that u used , stable n profitable for us to makes money in the forex. Are you ready to spend a minute with my special robots (SMARTkicks/punch) Today , u ll hear n see about a few hundred robots that created for helping in Foregin Exchange. I warn you , No ones of Expert Adviser 100% perfect!. Most of company never show the lost of thier EAs n hiden for u. The best EAs trully must be used indicator or Logical mathematic.I found some EAs not very powerfull but the price its too expensive. Do you know y? Because thier EAs used some cute indicator to help u for trading.Thats all.

HOW SMARTkick EA WORK? What about SMARTpunch , which the best.?

Actually , for a few years i have monitor most of EAs that sold in Global. I m really wonder y they wanna sell thier EAs that cant trully makes a big money.You ll be profit if u luck, or u ll be margin call...again n again .Am i right? I hated that situations! What about you ?

Like a superhero SMARTkick n SMARTpunch will fight in FOREX for us to makes a really really PROFIT.Believe me pls. SMARTkick n punch will attack bear n bullish in the same times ,single or both of them , cover news , friday n non stop EAs.With a super power...logarithm , u ll be happy n smiles when used its. Say bye bye to attand forex course !!! n other EAs. THAT RIGHT.

Lets compare how power n stable that your EAs. I m promise with u , my reports it s so true n never shown in other companys or persons. By now , pls consider before you buy any forex robots.

  • SMARTkick vs other EAs

  • SMARTpunch vs other EAs

Pls select or identify Which EAs that u consider to buy n compare with my reports.(Email to me for more info.Tq)

  • Megadroid , Fab Turbo , Ivybot , Fedorafx , Pip floria , Swiss Army , EA Shark , Funnel , Eracash robot power 09/10/14/15 , FXPP , Gomega Xtrail , Jaksen , Ilan , Pip miner , Ronald , Jaguar Headging , Piptronic , Rising , Profit Gain , GT Shadow , Merdekarama , Pipzu , Prizmal , Murrey , Neuro Sharp Shooter , Gepard , Dragon pip , Caspian , Money mechine , Firebird , Master mind , Tringular , Terminator , Hitman , Big Dog , Grid Bot , Forex AutocASH , Milionare , Autopilot , Assassin , Godzila , Forex AI , Espionage , Smart ingsun , Royal Wave ,